The Question of Classicization in Literary Creation and Adaptation: Centering on The White-Haired Girl

By / 06-01-2023 /

Chinese Journal of Literary Criticism

No.1, 2023 


The Question of Classicization in Literary Creation and Adaptation: Centering on The White-Haired Girl



Xu Zhaoshou


Classicization in literary creation and adaptation is not only a question for writers and artists to consider and solve in literary creation and adaptation, but also a theoretical problem for critics and scholars to explore in depth. The adaptation of The White-Haired Girl is a successful example. From a folklore story to reportages and short stories, and then gradually adapted into operas, films and ballet dances, it finally became a literary classic. Taking the classicization of The White-Haired Girl as the center, combined with the experience of classicization of other works in the history of literature and art over the past hundred years, we can summarize the classicization path of literary creation and adaptation: condensing the theme, expressing the spirit of the times; shaping the image of typical characters; relying on real life, reflecting the voice of the people. In addition, writers and artists need to go out of their studios, discover typical characters and stories from life; transcend themselves, using collective wisdom to improve their artistic quality; overcome the elite vision, using adaptation to promote mass dissemination. Only in this way can we create excellent works full of the spirit of the times, with Chinese style and an organic unity of ideology, artistry and ornamental qualities.