The Community of Shared Future for Mankind in the Universal Communication of the World

By / 06-04-2020 /

Social Sciences in China (Chinese Edition)

No.4, 2020


The Community of Shared Future for Mankind in the Universal Communication of the World



Li Baogeng


Communication” is an important concept in the development of Marx’s historical materialism. Communication, expanded communication, and universal communication of the world show the track of transformation from narrow and isolated regional history to world history. Hegel said that world history is a rational process, and Engels claimed that this epoch-making historical view of Hegel is the direct theoretical premise of the new materialistic world view. The more thoroughly the mode of production, communication and the division of labor among different nations naturally formed by communication are eliminated, the more history becomes world history. Xi Jinping’s advocacy of the community of shared future for mankind is the innovation and development of Marxs theory of world history in the new era, and a main theme of Marx’s theory of world history is just the theory of universal world communication. It means that the great conceptions of both “association of free men” and “community of shared future for mankind” in the history of mankind have been put forward and realized in the high development of productive forces and the general expansion of world communication. The communication paradigm of “community of shared future for mankind” has fundamentally transcended the logic of capital, and contributed Chinese wisdom and solution to universal world communication.