Man and figures

By / 10-31-2016 / (Chinese Social Sciences Today)


A tall figure makes a long shadow, while a short figure makes a short one.
The proverb comes from the ideas of Yin Xi, a philosopher in the Zhou Dynasty, which shows the relationship between cause and effect.


If the body is overworked without rest, it will wear out; if the spirit is overworked without a break, it will tire out.
This indicates that both body and mind can become exhausted.


The shadow is straight when he stands upright and crooked if otherwise.
This phrase is usually used to mean that a certain action can have particular result.


A man cannot be judged by his looks; the water in the sea cannot be measured by the bushel.
This means that outward appearances can be deceiving.


No man is perfect just as no wheel is absolutely round.
The proverb indicates that nothing is perfect.


Warm feelings may turn to coldness; men are drawn to prosperity but not to adversity.
This proverb indicates that people are usually drawn to those with power or resources.


Even though men meet face to face, their minds might be a thousand miles apart.
It indicates that people who seem close still may not understand each other’s minds.


All men have faces, just as every tree has its own bark.
This is commonly used to mean that one should have some self-respect.