“Interdisciplinary” Not “De-Disciplinary”: Applications of Digital Humanities in Literary Studies

By / 07-05-2022 /

Chinese Journal of Literary Criticism

No.2, 2022


Interdisciplinary Not De-Disciplinary: Applications of Digital Humanities in Literary Studies



Yang Guo


Interdisciplinary is one of the essential features of digital humanities. Interdisciplinary research is based on the fundamental principles of “going in” and “looking back,” i.e. drawing on and integrating disciplines on the basis of a deeper understanding of other disciplines, rather than dismantling the disciplines themselves. The digital humanities approach offers an interdisciplinary vision and new technical tools for the paradigm shift in literary studies, but it is hardly adequate for the fundamental task of literary studies of appreciation and judgment. Thus, digital humanities can be a useful aid to literary research, but it cannot outlaw the very essence and soul of literary research.