The atomic bomb, Has a power that lasts. A persuasive effect still felt, After 70 years have passed. Japan was forced to cautiously reply,…[详细]08-13-2015
During China's Republican period (1912-49), there emerged a number of schools serving traditional operas. Employing new theories and principles for …[详细]08-13-2015
July saw a domestic boom in Chinese movies. As of July 28, the total box office takings of three films, Monster Hunt, Monkey King: Hero is Back, and…[详细]08-13-2015
A new sight in a prosperous city, Is a dog walking around wearing a hat. The duck knows first When the river becomes warm in spring, The d…[详细]08-07-2015
Murals are a common sight on traditional Guangfu, or Cantonese, architecture from the Qing Dynasty (1616-1911) and the Republican period (1912-49). [详细]08-10-2015
Chinese cuisine has played an irreplaceable role in the development of world cuisine, and eating utensils are a medium that the kernel of Chinese ma…[详细]08-07-2015
The official’s cap of a Party member Tends to only grow in height. But should it become too top-heavy, It can no longer stay upright. …[详细]08-04-2015
The Dunhuang Grottoes in Gansu Province resemble a natural museum of architecture, colorful statues and wall paintings. Decorative patterns are rich…[详细]08-05-2015
Totemism, a belief that people have a spiritual connection or kinship with another physical being, is the earliest form of alliance in human history…[详细]08-05-2015
Japan’s conservatives have what they want at last, Now that the new security law has passed. Its aim, Abe claims, is to preserve the pea…[详细]07-30-2015
- In 221 BCE, the Qin wars of conquest brought an end to the Warring States Period, a tumultuous era marked by…MORE
- The tradition of painting coffins is deeply rooted in Han culture, and the origin of the lian-bi patterns ca…MORE
- China’s Great Wall dates back as early as to the Spring and Autumn period.MORE
- The Miaodigou culture was viewed as the heyday of painted pottery.MORE
- Xu Zhimo was known for his efforts to set Chinese poetry free from the constraints of its traditional forms,…MORE
For me, the three things that everyone should learn, especially in the college and university, but also in h…[详细]