On the Popularization of Literature and Art in the Left Coalition of Writers

BY | 01-13-2021

Chinese Journal of Literary Criticism

No.4, 2020


On the Popularization of Literature and Art in the Left Coalition of Writers



Zhang Guanghai


The Left Coalition of Writers first solemnly raised the issue of popularization of literature and art in the Chinese literary arena, and regarded it as its main pursuit, which effectively promoted the process of sinicization of Marxist literary theory. The two discussions on the popularization of literature and art in 1930 and 1932 were initiated and led by the Left Coalition of Writers. The first discussion on the popularization of literature and art took place on the eve and early days of the establishment of the Left Coalition of Writers. The coalition consciously transformed the magazine Popular Literature and Art to the position of the proletariat. The second discussion on the popularization of literature and art took place in 1932. Under the influence of Qu Qiubai, the Left Coalition of Writers began to make a more specific and in-depth discussion on the popularization of literature and art, and triggered a wide debate.