The Basic Principles and Logic of Style Construction and Criticism of Mininovels in the Active State

BY | 12-05-2019

Chinese Journal of Literary Criticism

No.4, 2019


The Basic Principles and Logic of Style Construction and Criticism of Mininovels in the Active State



Liu Lili


By tracing back the process of the occurrence and development of the style of mininovel and investigating through the academic history of naming the style of mininovel and other similar styles all over the world, we can discover the inevitability of the occurrence of the mininovel style. The mutual definition of the word “xiaoshuo” from the pre-Qin Dynasty Period in terms of its nature and function enlightened the construction of the theory of mininovel. On this basis, we can choose the standpoint that tracing back to epistemology from axiology and going to ontology in the end, in order to establish the basic principles and logic of stylistic construction and criticism of mininovel in the active state, and permeate stylistic inquiry with literary concepts such as “transfer” and “change,” so as to view stylistic change from the perspective of value needs and subject.