The Theoretical Characteristics of Daoist Metaphysics: A Discussion Centered on the “Meaning of the Dao or Way and Its Power”

BY | 12-26-2017

Social Sciences in China (Chinese Edition)

No.11, 2017


The Theoretical Characteristics of Daoist Metaphysics: A Discussion Centered on the “Meaning of the Dao or Way and  Its Power”



Zheng Kai


The core of Daoist metaphysics lies in the meaning of the Dao or Way and its power, in a theory based on the concepts of “non-being,” “mystery” and “return,” especially “non-being.” The concept and theory of “non-being” include theoretical contents at different levels ranging from “formless” to “nameless,” and from “knowledgeless” to “actionless” or “inaction.” The formless involves discussion of physics (natural philosophy); pondering and grasping the nature of the Dao through the tension between being and nonbeing can be considered an important method in Daoist philosophy. Both the nameless and the knowledgeless involve epistemology, and the pursuit of “the truth of the Dao” demands further constructive enlightenment and wisdom. The nameless and actionless are the nature of the mystic power, which thus lays a foundation for ethics and political philosophy. Moreover, concepts such as actionless and mindless even escape from the intellectual world, developing a theory of the spiritual realm starting from mind-nature theory and practical wisdom. The path from the intellectual to the spiritual realm indicates precisely the theoretical depth of Daoist philosophy. Daoist metaphysics clarifies the difference between physics (about nature) and metaphysics (about the Dao); it is similar to the ancient Greek metaphysical exploration of “being,” but is also characterized by its transcendence of names and forms and by grasping the meaning that lies beyond words.