Harbor, seas

BY | 06-28-2017
(Chinese Social Sciences Today)

Every boat belongs to a harbor
The proverb emphasizes the significance of belonging to a person.


The sea is not worn by many ships, nor is a road impaired by many carts.
The proverb is commonly used to describe that when each keeps to his own place, there is room for all.


The sea does not reject the rivers that flow eastward into it, and so it is the greatest of the great.
The proverb metaphorically describes a person who has a magnanimous and tolerant mind.


The sea does not reject rivers and floodwaters and so becomes great; a mountain does not reject dirt and stone and so becomes high.
The proverb means that open-mindedness and tolerance are important to people who aim high.


Unless the ocean was connected with all the rivers, it could not be called immense.
The proverb indicates that one who aims high should welcome advice from all sides.


A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.
The proverb emphasizes that distance cannot separate true friends. Their connection in their inner hearts makes them feel close even geographically far away.


The ocean cannot be measured with a scoop.
The proverb means that a great person cannot be judged by common standards.