Debate on Literary Hermeneutics and Its Theoretical Construction in Recent Years

BY | 02-09-2023

China Social Science Review

No.4, 2022


Debate on Literary Hermeneutics and Its Theoretical Construction in Recent Years



Hou Wenyi


The upsurge of hermeneutics and the rise of literary hermeneutics have had a significant impact on the development of contemporary Chinese scholarship. In particular, the proposal of imposed or forced interpretation in 2014 invited a new wave of heated discussion. Many scholars from different domains have participated in the relevant dialogues and debates, highlighting reflective thinking and theoretical awareness. The discussion chiefly focuses on the debate between chan and quan, the debate on imposed interpretation, and issues such as the subjective presupposition of interpretation, the ethics of literary criticism and the historical existence and contemporary construction of Chinese hermeneutics, giving rise to the formation of many new propositions and even new theories. Examining and combing through these propositions and theories in terms of their rise, viewpoint and achievement is of great benefit for the promotion of the construction of contemporary Chinese hermeneutics and literary hermeneutics.