Building a novel future: connecting peoples and cultures

BY | 07-01-2022

International Social Science Journal (Chinese Edition)

No.1, 2022


Building a novel future: connecting peoples and cultures



Augustin F.C. Holl


Current humanity is experiencing extraordinary levels of material and ideal connectivity. Globalisation resulted in the emergence of de facto a multipolar world, with different models of societies and organisational cultures. These are dialectic processes constantly in operation, but there is a third crucial area of interest, generally taken granted, that of people and culture. Peaceful relations and sustainable economic development backed by greater cultural and demographic connectivity are better options for the construction of a novel humanity future.  Universities and other higher education institutions can play an important role in spearheading and implementing these new orientations for the construction of future peaceful and sustainable human world in which war will be outlawed. This paper outlines what academicians can do to promote such a vision.