New exploration of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics for China’s modernisation

BY | 07-01-2022

International Social Science Journal (Chinese Edition)

No.1, 2022


New exploration of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics for China’s modernisation



Evandro Menezes de Carvalho


Chinese “new path” refers to the country’s process of modernisation resulting from its sovereign choices without blindly importing the economic model of capitalist countries and without adopting economic recipes prescribed by multilateral financial institutions. Generally speaking, China has developed its model of governance for its modernisation, and the model has shown its effectiveness in building a moderately prosperous society for Chinese people. The elimination of extreme poverty proved that a republican principle – the state is constituted to serve the general interest of citizens - has been fulfilled in China. The republic emphasizes the public good and the general interest as the state’s operating principle. In contrary, in many western democracies, there has been an increase in poverty and social exclusion.